
Meet Your Host

Kyle Olson

Fast becoming more beard than man, Kyle Olson is an award-winning producer, writer, and host who has been podcasting since these shows were still casting onto pods. He co-hosted The Marvel Movie Minute for over three hundred episodes with his fellow true believer and partner in pods, Rob Kubasko. He’s created several shows, the most notable of which are his audio drama series, The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society, and his live play show, the Cool Time Dice Hour with the one and only Krissy Lenz. He still has a lot to learn.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2067: Rhodey Realizes His Boo-Boo

What is Ivan’s plan? Is he completely winging it still? Are there too many villains in this film? Or is it ACTUALLY Tony himself? We talk about a goofy War Machine deleted scene but one we would’ve liked to see in the film. And how about Delta Force? And WOW is there a lot happening in the MCU right now!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2066: Drone Better

What is Ivan up to with the suits? Does Jack seriously think he can get his head in there? And how about using Justin’s own words against him? Way to go, Ivan!

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Top Animated Sequences • Take 10
The Next Reel Shorts

Take 10 on Animated Sequences

Rather than try and talk about our favorite animated movies, this list has our ten favorite animated sequences from movies. Maybe it’s the best part of a terrible movie or the crown jewel of an amazing film, but things are going to get animated (and emotional!) on this episode.

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Time for Thirteen

“It Takes You Away”

A secluded cabin in Norway hides a secret hallway, wherein a strange alien named Ribbons has a magic balloon to repel space moths. And I didn’t make any of that up. Plus: talking frog. Come away and listen to us discuss It Takes You Away.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2065: The Boy Got the Boyd

Checking back in with Hammer, he shows up to check in on Ivan, busy at work on his suit, and presents him with his bird… but it’s not his bird! Or is it? And we explore the relationship between Justin and Jack.And let’s not forget that Justin sees something mysterious in the suit. What could it be? And do you want to touch my monkey?

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2064: Black Market for Tony’s Kidney

Fury and Romanoff inject Stark to help him feel better, revealing that they’ve not only known what’s going on with him all along but also managed to figure out how to ease Tony’s symptoms a bit. We talk about a lot of the awkward editing throughout this scene and some of the bad takes used. And what are these mystery elements SHIELD is using?

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2063: Meet Black Widow

Stark and Fury continue their donuts and coffee date, but is it actually Nick Fury? Who knows anymore? And hey, it’s Black Widow! Why is she introduced that way? And why is Nick greeting her this way? Oh dear…

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2062: Eating a Donut in a Donut

Rhodey meets the military to turn the suit over to them. Tony eats a donut and chats with Nick Fury. That’s right. Samuel L. Jackson is back! We celebrate actors gaining notoriety in their careers after 40 and crazy contracts that actors might be offered to play multiple roles. Not to mention actors who played the same character a LOT of times.

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The Saturday Matinée

2021-06-05 • Saturday Matinée

We’re watching some things, we definitely talk about that. Edgar Wright’s latest headlines our trailer bit, we’ve got a list of LGBTQ Hamlets, and a list made up of movies shot and set in the US Pacific Northwest! Bring the RAIN!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2061: Rhodey’s Road Trip

Rhodey does a fly-by at Edwards Air Force Base, but why did he take so long to get there? We talk about that, try clearing some things up between the Mark II and III suits, chat about why the suit is so shiny, and debate when we should start calling him War Machine.

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