Meet Your Host

Kyle Olson

Fast becoming more beard than man, Kyle Olson is an award-winning producer, writer, and host who has been podcasting since these shows were still casting onto pods. He co-hosted The Marvel Movie Minute for over three hundred episodes with his fellow true believer and partner in pods, Rob Kubasko. He’s created several shows, the most notable of which are his audio drama series, The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society, and his live play show, the Cool Time Dice Hour with the one and only Krissy Lenz. He still has a lot to learn.

🎙️ Subscribe to The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society
🎙️ Subscribe to Cool Time Dice Hour

IH031: We Are Not Professional Toughguys!

In minute thirty-one of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob talk about The West Wing and walk-and-talk homages as the ballet between Ross and Blonsky deepens. Then we dive into “The Lonely Man” theme’s cameo as Bruce hits an emotional rock bottom with a tribute to composer Joe Harnell. There’s also a long deleted scene to discuss!

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IH030: Waking Up to Absolute Zero.

In minute thirty of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob continue the conversation of finding yourself in places you least expect and find some serious humanity in Bruce’s situation and discuss a great stuff coordinator cameo. Also, meanwhile in the greater MCU and bananas. Supersized!

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IH027: Gold Medal in the Forklift Throw!

In minute twenty-seven of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob spend some time discussing the biggest things ever thrown at people, digital face replacement and Tim Roth’s stunt double as we witness the Hulk’s great escape.

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IH025: There is One More Thing!

In minute twenty-five of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob talk about the “art of the reveal” and examine the Hulk’s psyche as he’s being chased and ultimately see the Hulk’s full reveal.

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IH024: We Have a Hulk!

In minute twenty-four of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob discuss contact lenses, classic Hulk eyes and gush over the first full appearance of our title character as it all hits the fan in this super-sized episode!

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IH022: Run, Bruce, Run!

In minute twenty-two of The Incredible Hulk, Kyle and Rob discuss strategies for being chased as the movie takes a breath, Bruce’s adversaries close in and the hazards of filming.

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