Meet Your Host

Kyle Olson

Fast becoming more beard than man, Kyle Olson is an award-winning producer, writer, and host who has been podcasting since these shows were still casting onto pods. He co-hosted The Marvel Movie Minute for over three hundred episodes with his fellow true believer and partner in pods, Rob Kubasko. He’s created several shows, the most notable of which are his audio drama series, The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society, and his live play show, the Cool Time Dice Hour with the one and only Krissy Lenz. He still has a lot to learn.

🎙️ Subscribe to The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society
🎙️ Subscribe to Cool Time Dice Hour

HULK (2003)

One more hiatus ep before we launch season 2! This week, Ang Lee’s HULK, plus we introduce a new crew to lead us bravely into our angry, green future!

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Secret Origins of Superhero Cinema at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019

Before Steve Rogers could do this all day, before Batman asked Superman if he could bleed, before Venom got weirdly obsessed with the pancreas, there was a superhero boom in the movies of the late 80s and early 90s that paved the way for the golden age we are presently experiencing. This panel event recorded at the Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019.

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