Meet Your Host

Megan Schneider

Megan has hosted as well as been a panelist on a number of episodes.
This page features episodes on which she has been a host.
See episodes where Megan has been a panelist right here.

The CARES Act Impact on Community Colleges

Brad Kendrex, executive vice president for administration and operations at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and interim vice president for administrative services at Mesa Community College joins NACUBO senior director, government affairs Megan Schneider to discuss the impact of COVID-19 legislative support on community colleges.

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Changing Societal Demographics and Pressure on Tuition Revenue

Pat Lane serves as Vice President for Policy, Analysis, and Research at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). This month, Pat joins Megan Schneider, senior director of government affairs at NACUBO, to educate us about his organization and share the latest results and trends from WICHE’s “Knocking at the College Door” project.

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