Practicing Mindfulness for your ADHD with Special Guest Casey Dixon
This week on The ADHD Podcast, Casey joins us to help us better understand the role of mindfulness in self-care with ADHD with simple, judgment-free strategies to get started!
Nikki Kinzer has dedicated her career to fostering improved living systems, transitioning from retail management and human resources to professional organizing, where she discovered her vocation in aiding individuals with ADHD. She refocused her business in 2010 to cater to adults and college students with ADHD, becoming a certified coach with the ADD Coach Academy and the International Coaching Federation. Kinzer’s current venture, Take Control ADHD, offers coaching, online trainings, and fosters a global community for those seeking to understand and manage their ADHD. She also co-hosts the successful “Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast,” which since its inception in 2010, has amassed over 500 episodes, millions of downloads, and a vibrant Discord community for listener engagement.
This week on The ADHD Podcast, Casey joins us to help us better understand the role of mindfulness in self-care with ADHD with simple, judgment-free strategies to get started!
This week on The ADHD Podcast, we’re taking on sleep with a modest suggestion of a single strategy, and what you need to do to implement this strategy toward becoming a better sleeper.
Today, we’re digging into the sometimes thorny question of medication, and we have a fantastic guest to help us do just that.
We’ve talked about the importance of exercise before. The connection between moving your body and psychological and emotional health is no great secret. But if that’s the case, why is it so difficult to make the transition from sedentary life, to an activ
Listen in today — if you’ve ever found yourself forgetting what feeling good feels like, you need to join us for this series and kick off 2016 with a celebration of you!
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about motivation and building your vision for your future self. But we’re busy — some of us VERY busy — and when challenged with our ADHD, it can seem impossible to schedule the time and intention to actually im
Today, a metaphor. You’re at the top of a hill. There’s a giant ball in front of you, held up by a rock. If you kick that rock, the ball will start rolling down the hill, picking up speed and racing on its way. But you’re struggling with your ADHD. So you look at the ball, you stare at it, and try as you might, you just don’t see the rock that you need to kick.
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about creating a vision for yourself, sculpting your loose goals into refined projects that you’re excited to make a reality. The race to January 1 begins — get ready to celebrate the change in your life!
This week on the show, Nikki and Pete talk about the practice of gratitude, and what it means to live in the present as we go into this holiday week.
This week on the show, we have a digital episode that goes beyond — a list of tools, services, and toys that should ring all the right bells for your friendly ADHD compadre!