Meet Your Host

Pete Wright

Pete has been a broadcaster for the last 30 years, falling in love with the edit bay in the back of a newsroom in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He studied journalism at the University of Colorado with a focus on long-form documentary production, turning that early experience into a career helping businesses shape the stories of their brands through image and sound. Pete earned an M.S. in Organizational Design and spent fifteen years teaching graduate marketing students the power of human-centered communications. From public relations teams on global multi-million dollar brand projects to marketing for independent business owners, Pete has helped shape communications that build brands. In 2006, he launched Fifth & Main, LLC., a media consultancy focused on brand-building through the nascent field of podcasting. In 2020, nearly 3,000 individual podcast episodes behind them, the company rebranded as TruStory FM with an ear toward the next decade of podcast education and entertainment.

Pete has hosted as well as been a panelist on a number of episodes.
This page features episodes on which he has been a host.
See episodes where Pete has been a panelist right here.

The Structured Learning & Development Strategy with Jen Moff

Crafting a robust Learning & Development strategy in today’s diverse workplace is both an art and a science. As an HR professional, you’re at the forefront, balancing the unique learning styles of your team with overarching organizational goals. But how do you measure the success of your L&D initiatives? Jen Moff is here to help!

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The Killer

The Film Board Gathers! Justin Jaeger and Tommy Metz III join Pete Wright to take on a movie mostly in theaters and this month we’re meeting one of our favorites right where he wants us. It’s David Fincher’s The Killer.

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Creating a Joyful Life with ADHD

Last week we dove into the wonderful world of optimism. This week, optimism’s constant partner: Joy! Nikki is going to give us some tools to employ joy and happiness to retune negative and self-sabotaging thoughts that can drag behind us with ADHD.

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The Next Reel • Season 13 • Series: 1965 BAFTAs Best Film From Any Source Nominees • The Pumpkin Eater

The Pumpkin Eater

We continue our series looking at the 1965 BAFTAs for the nominees of the Films From Any Source category, this time with a conversation about Jack Clayton’s The Pumpkin Eater. Easy to say we loved this powerful drama.

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Tommy and Pete are wrapping up Season 8 with a banger and heading straight to the mountain top… then, on brand, heading straight back down again.

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Movies We Like • Season 5 • Lyn Moncrief on Magnolia

Cinematographer Lyn Moncrief on Magnolia

Cinematographer Lyn Moncrief joins us to talk about one of his favorite movies, Paul Thomas Anderson’s 1999 Magnolia. We also talk about how Lyn got his start, his work in the horror genre, and the latest work he did on the brand new Five Nights at Freddy’s.

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On Optimism and Our ADHD

The world can be a tough place. We know that our ADHD doesn’t make that any easier. But our health and well-being depend heavily on the worldview we cultivate in spite of our challenges. This week, we’re talking about optimism, how we find it, and how we make it a practice in the face of struggle.

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