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Rob Kubasko

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2053: Helpful Assistant or Overt Seductress?

We pour up a course in mixology as we purvey a perfectly innocent conversation between two adults. That is if you overlook the Swiss watches, dirty martinis and masterful mind games being played on our hero. What is Natalie Rushman’s job again?

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2052: Tony Stark’s Conch is Huge!

Hammer has a plan for Pentagon domination and using Tony’s frontward as a bathroom while Ivan has plans for the latter. We then head back to Tony’s bedroom and his conch is literally just right out in the open. All conchs are welcome!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2051: Check Out Justin’s Shiny Suits!

Let’s begin with a really nerdy dive into the world of encryption, operating systems and have a call back to season two of the Marvel Movie Minute! Why? Ivan, our physicist turned hacker shows up poor Justin and his lacking knowledge of technology. Also, no attempt has been made to change Ivan’s appearance though we have to ask who’s his stylist?

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Time for Thirteen

“Demons of the Punjab”

Team Tardis is making a run for the border to get to the wedding on time. We’ve got the Doctor going full MacGyver, a shoutout to Babylon 5 and we hope Big Finish is listening, all in thirteen minutes.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2050: No Pressure.

It’s rash time, everybody. We don’t want to talk about blood poisoning. But we do it. For the kids. Everything is breaking this week: Tony, the arc reactor, their friendship, the works. Meanwhile, back in Queens, it’s Hammer time. We head into Justin’s factory littered with Space-X employees and Ivan’s new digs.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2048: All Alone… at a Drive-in Movie

Christiane Amanpour has a corner on the “twos.” There is, in no way, instruction on extending the float time of checks in this episode. Rhodey has access codes. Pepper is getting interviewed. Tony is in the car. Jarvis is in exposition mode. And thank goodness, too, because how else would we know how corrupt we all are?

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2047: Peanuts or Silence of the Lambs?

What would it be like to be approached by a benefactor? A venture capitalist of evil? We explore these opportunities this week. We don’t speak Russian, but we pretend do thanks to Rourke and Favreau. And along the way, we dive deep into our friend the bird, the importance of the bird to negotiation, and language as a power move. Finally, a discourse into appropriate pop culture metaphors in a dance between Peanuts and Buffalo Bill.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2046: The Splatter-Tan Hammer Flex

Introducing the Blend Friend. You will not thank us for this. Back in the minutes, it’s monologue time. It’s the juicy-juicy Sam Rockwell 2-camera Hammer-Ivan talk. All this reminds us how important therapy with your father is, and how much we miss not knowing about “Daddy Hammer.” What we DO know is that Justin sees Ivan’s power over dinner and chocolate and they are awakened to the value of Legacy.

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Time for Thirteen

“The Tsuranga Conundrum”

You say Tsuranga, I say Tsurunga. You say Pting, I say Ptang. Let’s turn the whole ship around. A Doctor among doctors, the heart of a pilot, and a baby in seven days, we’ll talk about it all, or as much as we can in 13 minutes.

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