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Rob Kubasko

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2045: My Dinner with Ivan

We open in Hammer’s hanger in Monaco. As it turns out, Ivan’s free, and the prison liberation was not only a good plan, but it worked. There’s reason to celebrate! How about dinner? Steve Sarmento returns with a hopeful eye toward a set table because NO ONE wants a hangry Ivan.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2044: Prison Break Oner!

Prison Break! It’s a fun action sequence that calls on all of Ivan’s intellectual faculties to put together the puzzle of his release. He’s just… amazing, y’all. AMAZING. And SO casual! The team celebrates the release with a walk down the accidentally successful liberation of Whiplash.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2043: Enjoy the Potatoes

Krazy Kabbies! Bed-adjacent porcelain! Salisbury steak! It’s another minute of long, knowing looks between Pepper and Tony. We visit the Lincoln Heights Jail and walk through the shooting history of the facility. Steve Sarmento is back to overthink the potatoes with us. Finally, welcome prisoner #6219, our favorite photographic callback.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2042: Breakfast for Dinner

You’ve never thoughts so much about bunnies. We return to one of our favorite Marvel segments: Awkward Conversations in Planes. There are challenges with time in this minute which can only be rationalized with time zone science. Pepper gets a battery-related mic drop, which gives us reason to argue. What a relief it is, therefore, that we are able to ground ourselves in a Hamilton reference.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2041: Tony’s Functional Voice Control

First, and exploration of airline food through history bringing us to the Great Sandwich War of 1954. We try — and fail — to short “intraday” stock. LG gets a full plug. Tony’s voice activated television actually works. Also, omelettes. It’s a Shandlingful minute with Steve Sarmento as we explore all this and awkward silences.

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Time for Thirteen

“Arachnids in the UK”

SPIDER! Get rid of SPIDER! Step on Spider! SPIDER! We love you Spider! Team Tardis (that doesn’t sound right) arrives back home only to find the place crawling with big spiders and Mr. Big. Eight legs, but only thirteen minutes to discuss ARACHNIDS IN THE UK!

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2040: When you come for the king…

To start, a lesson in world belief systems. We return to dramatic-minute-in-progress and learn a little family history from the sons of great inventors. Tony’s a jerk. Ivan clenches, and gives us some delightful super-villain work in his challenge to the Cult of Tony. From there, we introduce an alternate universe that nearly existed and would have changed … well … everything.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2039: More than a Passable Knock-Off

We’re gushing about actors acting… weird, cause we were looking for the skybeam! Seriously though, RDJ and MR give us a minute of straight up talent, not just a passable knock-off. And they even manage to move the story forward! This is a performance minute that reminds us this is a movie about weapons dealers, greed, and war, grounding super-heroes and raising the stakes.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2038: Don’t scorn a man when he’s in love

Rob goes all CSI about evidence. Thankfully, Happy’s fine. Ivan is less fine, and also angry. Thankfully, evidence, some cars, and a father’s love from the grave are all destroyed. Justin is struck by Cupid’s Arrow for his new favorite Russian engineer. Be on the lookout for a new prisoner being photographed in this minute… it’ll be important.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2037: Whiplash Rope-a-Dope

An ode to exploration. The suit can’t fly, which we learn from legos. Seriously, there’s some stunning detail in the destruction of the suit during the fight with Whiplash here. Things aren’t going well for Tony in general, but thanks to the whip coil move, things turn around. Where have we seen that move before? Let us know!

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