Meet Your Host

Seth Nelson

Seth Nelson is a dedicated Florida divorce and family law attorney, a divorcee, and father. A graduate of the University of Florida’s College of Law, Nelson honed his legal skills clerking for Judge John C. Godbold of the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals before returning to Tampa to practice law. Since 2008, he has been the sole shareholder of NLG Divorce & Family Law, upholding the firm’s motto to help good people through difficult times, tailoring his approach to each family’s distinct needs.

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Navigating Gray Divorce in the Family with authors Carol Hughes & Bruce Fredenburg

According to our guests today, late-in-life divorcées represent an unserved population. The complexities that come with navigating the divorce process, from adapting to a legal and financial system to communicating with the myriad relationships in and outside the family. How will you split a lifetime of assets? And most important to authors Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg, how will you help your adult children and their children adapt to this new normal?

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Life as a Divorcée

We’ve talked to a string of guests, all specialists in some aspect of the divorce process supporting the legal process itself. This week, Jamie Ainsworth sits down in the Toaster to talk about her experience getting divorced to tell us what we missed.

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But What About the Dog?: Karis Nafte & Pet Custody Issues

Following up on last week’s conversation about dividing personal property, we realized that pets are considered property too. But you can’t actually split them, so what do you do? Turns out, that’s what the Pet Custody Expert is for. We invite Karis Nafte to the Toaster, a dog trainer and animal specialist who is also an internationally accredited family mediator who helps people figure out what Fido wants.

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The Momentous Matter of Material: Dividing Personal Property

You have split your schedule. You’ve untangled custody. You feel like you’re on top of the thousand tiny decisions that face you during your divorce process. And still, you stare down the bear: How do you split your stuff? This week on the show, strategies for approaching your personal property.

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