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Marvel Movie Minute has a special interview with Agent Coulson himself, Mr. Clark Gregg!

IM2120: Our Interview with Agent Coulson himself, Mr. Clark Gregg!

Nope. That is NOT click bait. THIS HAPPENED! In the first part of our interview with Iron Man 2 star Clark Gregg, we discuss his upcoming role in ‘Being The Ricardos’, what he learned from directing and we get an inside look at some of the experiences of filming Iron Man 2. Plus, we get a definitive answer to the questions of whether West Wing Agent Mike Casper and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson are the same person! Are they??? Tune in to find out!

Film Sundries


Kyle Olson and Rob Kubasko are on the front line of the Marvel Movie Minute, pulling apart the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe … one minute at a time. This season, it’s time to zip up, suit up, and head to the track with the boirds.

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