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Reclaim Our Vote with Andrea Miller

We’re exploring the work of the Center for Common Ground this week with founding board member, Andrea Miller. When it comes to racial justice and equity, she’s an incredible fighter, a noted leader in Virginia working to turn the tide on compressed voter access, and a firebrand when it comes to elected leaders working against the will of the people of her state.

With the Reclaim our Vote campaign, the Center for Common Ground demonstrates their incredible focus:

Eligible voters of color are being purged from voter rolls at a much higher rate than white voters. People in minority communities were already struggling to reach the voting booth in voter-suppression states, due to the implementation of strict new voter ID laws, a reduction in polling places and/or early voting days, and many other tactics.

Andrea tells us how Reclaim Our Vote is working to expand their volunteer base across for key states specifically, and more nationally. She outlines the tools and techniques her organization is counting on to spread the world of voter disenfranchisement, calling on all of us to gear up, get out, and vote.

Links & Notes

About Andrea Miller

Andrea Miller is Founding Board Member, Executive Director, People Demanding Action, Founding President, National Women’s Political Caucus of Virginia, Founding Tri-Chair Virginia Poor People’s Campaign and a member of the Democracy and Governance working group of the Virginia Green New Deal. Andrea is an IT and Political Director, a digital and elections strategist. She designs and administers digital phonebanks and texting programs. From 2013 to 2015 she led the Progressive Round Table on Capitol Hill bringing together members of Congress, activists, and non-profit leaders. Her expertise is in voting rights, climate, and the Equal Rights Amendment. She has successfully advocated for legislation on both the Federal and State level. In 2008 she was the Democratic nominee for the Virginia 4th Congressional district.

  • (00:00) – Welcome to Mission Forward
  • (00:43) – Introducing Andrea Miller and Center for Common Ground
  • (03:37) – Are we moving in the right direction this election season?
  • (10:23) – Communicating for Change • a new course from Mission Partners
  • (11:44) – Taking Action
  • (23:03) – See Something, Say Something
  • (25:39) – “We are one year away from losing our Democracy.”
  • (29:32) – Where can you get involved?
  • (30:26) –
  • (30:49) –
  • (32:11) – Democracy Centers
This season, we are taking you on a journey to meet ten people influencing and shaping how we communicate at scale for social change. From advertising executives to coalition directors, news editors, campaign managers, and authors, they’re all people who are shaping and challenging the deep power of communication. If you’re working to become a more inclusive and thoughtful communicator, there’s nothing holding you back—except you.
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