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The Public-Private Partnership Builds Steam at Syracuse

Syracuse University SVP and CFO Amir Rahnamay-Azar knows a thing or two about steam. His university’s steam generator has been providing power and more for decades across the university. When it came time for a major retrofit, it came time to revisit facilities that were core to the operation of the institution. As he says, “I need steam, not a steam generator.”

So they turned to a Public-Private Partnership, a relationship that allows the university to address their power generation requirements and work with a private organization to manage the infrastructure. Today on NACUBO In Brief, Rahnamay-Azar joins NACUBO’s Megan Schneider to share the journey toward the PPP at Syracuse.

Explore Issues Shaping the Business of Higher Education.

In this podcast series, hear colleagues, experts, and industry leaders explore issues, provide best practices, offer solutions to new questions that may not have been asked before, and think through how recent developments will shape their institutions in the months and years ahead.

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