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The Power of our Stories and the Leaders who Write Them — NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting

The stories we write define our careers as business officers. They are the stories of leadership and political will. They are the stories of growth and building, and the stories of contraction. They are the stories of how others will perceive us as leaders of change and how our communities will perceive our institutions as educators of the next great generation.

Howard is heading to Long Beach to take part in the NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting. His work there will focus on business officers as leaders — those new to the role and seasoned alike — and the power of the stories we write to define the course of our institutions and our careers.

This week on the podcast, we offer a preview of the sessions Howard will be leading in Long Beach by way of a conversation about the power of stories to create change. To learn more about Howard’s work at NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting, visit

Exploring the complex waters of Higher Education.

Join Howard Teibel and guests as they dissect issues facing institutions and teams in transition and offer solutions for the most troubling process challenges.

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