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John Patton

Ask Cadence

PM Skillbuilder Part 2 — The Messy Middle

It happens. The team is working hard and they’re trying to keep up. Everyone’s putting in the extra effort. Yet you’re running into a number of problems. In the middle part of the project, you can start to lose momentum. The team can start to lose some of

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Ask Cadence

PM SkillBuilder Part 1 — The Slow Start

In the early stages of a project, a number of issues can crop up that can shift the project manager’s focus away from getting the project kicked off and on its way to eventual delivery. It’s an important time, as a successful start sets the stage for a su

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Ask Cadence

Career Planning in Acquisition

A Cadence graduate called for help — after relocating for a promotion, his company was acquired by a new firm. Management roles changed, and it was time to renegotiate. John Patton and Pete Wright tackle this issue, and share guidance on planning your car

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Dealing with a Devastating Loss to the Team

This week’s project challenge comes from a recent attendee dealing with the loss of a critical team resource — a team member recently suffering a stroke. This sort of shock affects teams on many levels, from the deeply personal, to the profoundly professi

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Ask Cadence

PMI Global Congress EMEA Recap with John Patton

Each PMI Global Congress, we like to sit down with Cadence representatives and do a brief recap of lessons learned. The Global Congress in Dublin gave us an excellent opportunity to visit trends in complexity and program management, as captured by some of

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Ask Cadence

Do not fear PMs who are not technical people!

There is a fear and misconception that project managers without technical or engineering skill will put the projects they manage at risk. Further, that organizations that adopt project management across the company, the only kind of project manager that s

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Ask Cadence

John Patton on 28 years with PMI

For 35 years, John Patton has been serving and supporting the Project Management Institute, both as CEO of Cadence Management Corporation, and as a professional project manager and researcher of the field. Join John Patton and Pete Wright as they reflect

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