
Meet The Guests

Kynan Dias

Sitting In The Dark

Okay, BOOOOmer

This week on Sitting in the Dark, we confront the horrors of suburbia, the workplace, and aging itself with Vivarium, The Belko Experiment, and The Father. We explore the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface of everyday life, questioning the very nature of reality in a discussion about the horrors and the terrors of being an adult.

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Sitting In The Dark

The Most Dangerous Game

From political thrillers to darkly comedic hunts, “Sitting in the Dark” explores how three modern films echo the chilling legacy of Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game.” Join us as we dissect the primal fears and social anxieties that make the hunt for human prey a timeless source of cinematic terror.

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Sitting In The Dark

Travel Season

This month, we’re trading in our plane tickets for a one-way ticket to terror. Buckle up as Sitting in the Dark derails your comfort zone with three tales of travel horror that will have you sleeping with the lights on.

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Sitting In The Dark

Scream in a Box!

Tommy takes the crew on a journey through constrained spaces with three films that don’t offer much room to run!

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Sitting In The Dark

You Don’t Belong Here

The world is a beautiful place—stunning vistas, the highest mountains, and most expansive rivers. But what happens when we, puny humans, decide to make our pastime of exploring these natural wonders too aggressively? The environment gets aggressive back. 

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Six • The Avengers • Minute 126
Marvel Movie Minute

Shove It Up Your Space Hole!

Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 126 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Tony’s missile chase to Tony’s missile heave-ho.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Six • The Avengers • Minute 124
Marvel Movie Minute

Decoy Bird in Motion

Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 124 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Director Nick Fury in motion to the F-35 Lightning II in motion.

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Marvel Movie Minute Season Six • The Avengers • Minute 122
Marvel Movie Minute

Never Skip Leg Day

Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 122 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Erik’s secret safety to quickdraw archery on the rooftop.

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