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Ryan Dalton

Marvel Movie Minute

IM2013: It’s Hammer Time!

The trial of Tony Stark continues with his case for keeping the Iron Man suit as his own. And then we get perhaps the most entertaining character in the entire film: Justin Hammer portrayed by Sam Rockwell. And we’re all lucky because he wasn’t meant to be in this movie at all. Author Ryan Dalton is back to chime in on some dialogue dissection. And that dialogue is rich with daddy issues.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2012: Let’s Go to a Senate Hearing!

Author Ryan Dalton joins us again as we discuss the details of local landmarks in stock footage and interesting filming locations. Gwyneth Paltrow makes her proper appearance in the movie and we do a heralded deep dive into the late actor Garry Shandling and his portrayal of Senator Stern.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM2011: Don’t Hand Him Things.

Warrants, writs and subpoenas open the show as author Ryan Dalton joins us for deep discussion on several celebrity cameos as Tony Stark gets a frantic POV sequence. This minute has it all: we correct a missed wardrobe error from a previous minute, discuss Audi cars and somehow mention Howard the Duck. Tony also has an interesting issue with touching certain objects.

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM010: El Flambé Delicto

in which Andy, Pete and guest Ryan Dalton, author of the Time Shift trilogy, window shop in Tony’s house, pine for one of the houses they may have used as reference and wish for a gig like Paul Bettany had here

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM008: Our extensive research into snake eyes

in which Andy, Pete and guest Ryan Dalton, author of the Time Shift trilogy, praise Terrence Howard’s and Robert Downey Jr.’s relationship, reveal Christine Everhart’s comic origins and share our lack of gambling knowledge

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM007: With ladies on each arm

in which Andy, Pete and guest Ryan Dalton, author of the Time Shift trilogy, revel in the great jump cuts to the casino, talk about Tony’s crazy scripted dialogue and enjoy seeing the director pop up as Tony’s sidekick

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Marvel Movie Minute

IM006: From a show you never knew existed

in which Andy, Pete, and guest Ryan Dalton, author of the Time Shift trilogy, jam out to the Iron Man cartoon theme song, review Jeff Bridges’ character types and discuss Powerpoints as exposition

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