Series Archive


Each episode of The Next Reel Film Podcast is a part of a series or collection of films brought together by time, idea, or contributor. Looking to build a great watchlist? You can’t go wrong with starting on a Next Reel Series.

The Next Reel Film Podcast


Woody Allen has made some great films and he’s made some stinkers, but he is a man who consistently cranks films out year after year. In 2006, his film “Scoop” happened to have a stage magician in it and, because of that, we felt it was important to include in our series about films made about stage magic in 2006. But paired with the other two films in this series — “The Prestige” and “The Illusionist,” this film falls flat. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a great time talking about it.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

The Illusionist

2006 was quite the year for movies about stage magicians, and as our series continues, we’ve decided to focus solely on the 3 films dealing with prestidigitation that came out that year. Neil Burger’s The Illusionist came out a few months before Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige, but it dealt with an entirely different story. True, they both take place in the world of magicians, but while Nolan’s film dealt with a strong professional rivalry, Burger’s dealt with an unrequited love and the fight the two lovers struggle through to be together.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

The Prestige

Right after the amazing success of Batman Begins and right before the brilliance of The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan switched gears completely and made a fascinating period piece about two rival magicians duking it out to be the best. The Prestige wasn’t the most popular film of his but certainly garnered its share of positive acclaim and audience draw. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we begin the next series on The Next Reel: this time, a series about films that deal with magicians.

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