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Star Wars Generations episode 234

Original Trilogy In Review

We wrap up our discussion of the Star Wars original trilogy—things we noticed, favorite characters and storylines, issues, and parts of which we want more.

Key Discussion Points

  • Our greater appreciation for the original trilogy and characters like Han, Luke, and Leia after analyzing them more closely as adults
  • We examine issues around the “Slave Leia” outfit and the need for more diversity in the original trilogy casts
  • Lucas was a creative visionary but needed editors and collaborators to refine his ideas into an accessible story
  • The trilogy holds up well as a coherent narrative, more so than the prequels or sequels
  • Highlights include the droids as connective threads and Greek chorus, the consistent humor of C-3PO, and Mark Hamill’s layered performance as Luke

Other Topics Covered:

  • Flaws like the Leia sibling reveal, underdeveloped characters like Chewbacca, and logic gaps around the Falcon being tracked
  • Possible spinoff shows around characters like Lando Calrissian and backstories of figures like Mon Mothma
  • Whether a standalone Darth Vader movie is needed or if appearances in other stories would be better
  • Cosplay charity events for kids with communication disorders

A millennial, Gen Z’er, and Gen X’er walk into a cantina …

Each of us came into Star Wars in our own way, at our own time, and there is so much we can learn from each other when those differences fuel conversation, not conflict. Join Erin, Matthew, and Alex as we share our love for the galaxy far, far away on the Star Wars Generations Podcast!

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