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Car Talk: Balance of Powered

How can a society that includes both the superpowered and the powerless uphold the rights of all? What level of responsibility should be shouldered by those with extraordinary abilities? And is it feasible for Jacob and Matthew to record a podcast—and perform a caraoke song—while speeding along the highway?

We leveraged another lengthy car journey to present you with a car talk episode, recorded via phone within the confines of a moving vehicle. We’re planning to return to the studio with a proper outline soon, but this session prompted some compelling discussions we believe you’ll find intriguing. As for the caraoke finale, your reaction—be it enjoyment, skipping, or enduring—is ultimately a personal reckoning.

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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