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Superhero Ethics episode 278

Echo & the MCU

Matthew Carroll of the MCUCast joins me to talk Marvel’s Echo TV series and its connections to the wider MCU. We dive deep into the characters, the morality, the show’s groundbreaking representation, and the implications for upcoming MCU stories.

Topics we cover include:

  • Where Echo and Kingpin each fit on the scale of heroes and villains
  • Connections to the Netflix “Defendersverse” shows and debates around canonicity
  • Hopes for the future of the Echo character and MCU’s approach to interconnectedness vs standalone stories
  • The authenticity of how the various parts of Maya’s identity are portrayed and why so many  members of indigenous, amputee, and deaf communities are loving this character and this show.
  • Matthew Carroll (Biped) asks Matthew Fox (Unipod) about the logistics of Maya’s prosthetic leg and how the damage/repair process was portrayed accurately

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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