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Hopelessly Devoted, at What Cost?

A hero is supposed to be devoted—to their country, to their cause, to their friends—whatever it may be, heroes are often defined by the thing they are willing to go to any extreme to protect and defend.

But what happens when that devotion goes too far? In this episode, Jacob and Matthew discuss the costs of devotion, looking at ways a cause can blind a person to the damage it is doing, to themselves or to others.

This post contains spoilers about Captain AmericaBabylon 5The PunisherThe 100, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Our next two shows will be about The Punisher and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, respectively. Have a question or a comment about either that you want to hear us discuss? Let us know!

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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