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Superhero Ethics episode 279

Percy Jackson on Screen & Page

The final episode of the Disney+ TV show Percy Jackson and the Olympians is out, and we’re discussing it. We talk about what we loved about the books and what did and didn’t work in the show.

Topics covered include:

  • Was Luke right? Was Luke a Magneto/Killmonger-style villain with a valid point?
  • How were the gods portrayed in the show compared to the books? Is Percy right to want the gods a chance to be better parents?
  • How was Medusa portrayed in the show versus the books?
  • Which actors worked or didn’t work and why is it so hard for live-action to portray kids not belonging in a casino?

Bonus content for members:

  • We share our thoughts on potential future seasons and whether the story would be better told in an animated rather than live-action format.

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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