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Ready Podcast One

What is the responsibility of a filmmaker to stay true to a book? What are the issues with the ‘girl as prize’ romance plotlines? And is it possible that Jacob and Matthew actually enjoyed the movie adaptation of a book they have been so critical of?

This week, Jacob and Matthew insert their coins for a two-player, two-part, deep dive. They start by discussing the book and their hopes and concerns about the movie—then hit pause, watch the film, and finish recording the podcast that same night! They delve into a number of issues, striving for a comprehensive and well-organized approach to the work as anyone can muster at 11 pm.

Twitter hashtag: #Readyplayerethics

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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