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Thankful for Luke Cage

Need something to listen to on the long car trip home? Want to avoid discussing your cousin’s new get-rich-quick scheme or engaging with your racist uncle? We’ve got the perfect podcast for you!

Jacob and Matthew express their gratitude for the latest season of Luke Cage in this episode, diving into the reasons they enjoyed the show and the questions it raised. We delve into themes of revenge, historical context, father-son and mother-daughter dynamics, and ponder whether Harlem needs a hero or a king.

We recorded on the day of Stan Lee’s passing, so we also take a moment to honor the man whose creativity brought us so many of the stories we cherish and discuss.

This episode contains numerous spoilers for Luke Cage Season 2. Do not listen unless you’ve already watched it or don’t mind learning significant plot details.

One important note—Jacob and Matthew recognize that the world doesn’t need more white guys discussing race and Luke Cage. Therefore, they’ve consciously shifted their focus to other topics and encourage listeners to seek out some of the insightful black voices writing and podcasting on this subject. Below are a few resources, though there’s an abundance of excellent content available:

  • “Blackness, Birthright, and the Battle for Harlem: Intra-Racial Conflict in Marvel’s Luke Cage Season Two” by Nicosia Shakes, The Black Scholar
  • “Luke Cage’ Season 2 Taps into Black Consciousness” by Christina Santi, Ebony Magazine
  • “Sweet Christmas in Summer: A ‘Luke Cage’ Season Two Endorsement” by Shawn Taylor, Nerds of Color

Matthew Fox and Riki explore the ethical questions from the stories geeks love—superheroes, sci-fi, anime, fantasy, video games, and so much more.

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