Original Trilogy In Review
We wrap up our discussion of the Star Wars original trilogy—things we noticed, favorite characters and storylines, issues, and parts of which we want more.
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We wrap up our discussion of the Star Wars original trilogy—things we noticed, favorite characters and storylines, issues, and parts of which we want more.
Alex & Erin dive into some fan questions about Return of the Jedi, the debate over slave/Jabba’s slayer Leia, and Alex’s continued efforts to work Revenge of the Sith into every conversation possible!
Ewoks, yay or nay? Yub Nub or Victory Celebration? Why does Luke defeat Vader, and how does this movie stand up 40 years later? These are just some of the questions we dive into as we talk about Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi!
With bonus content about “The Red One”, by Rae Carson, the next chapter in Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View – The Empire Strikes Back.
We dive into one of the most beloved Star Wars movies—The Empire Strikes Back!
Alex, Erin, & Matthew discuss their rankings of all 11 of the live action Star Wars movies!
We kick off our intergenerational discussion of the movies with the one that started it all – Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope!
Matthew returns with not just a new marital status and a partner but also a new name—Matthew Davis McCreary Fox—and a renewed zest to delve
We’re delving into what is often hailed as one of the greatest Star Wars properties of all time—The Empire Strikes Back! We’ll explore what cements this film’s
Jeff and Matthew return to the very start with the film that launched an epic saga – A New Hope. They discuss how the original movie