Decoy Bird in Motion
Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 124 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Director Nick Fury in motion to the F-35 Lightning II in motion.
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Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 124 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Director Nick Fury in motion to the F-35 Lightning II in motion.
Robin Burdge from Karate Kid Minute and Sword Boys joins us to talk about minute 123 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from close-range arrow fighting to a bird in motion.
Lester Clark and Kynan Dias from The Exorcist Minute join us to talk about minute 122 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Erik’s secret safety to quickdraw archery on the rooftop.
Lachlan Thiele from the Quiet on Set Podcast joins us to talk about minute 121 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Nat’s tuck-and-roll landing to Erik’s big reveal… almost.
Father David Mowry, chaplain of the Movies by Minutes community, joins us to talk about minute 120 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Fury recognizing the Council’s decision to Black Widow’s leap of faith.
Father David Mowry, chaplain of the Movies by Minutes community, joins us to talk about minute 119 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Cap lost in a looking glass to Cap lost in his thoughts.
Andy and Pete are solo again talking about minute 118 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from a game of follow-the-arrow to our second odd mirror shot of the film.
James Anderson and Colin Parker from the Timeline Scavengers podcast join us to talk about minute 117 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Nat being sure about this to Clint point an arrow… right at us.
Mike Gravagno from The Superhero Show Show and Movie of the Year joins us to talk about minute 116 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Tony complaining about the lack of invitation from Thor to Nat asking for a boost.
Film Critic Ewan Graf from the Quiet on Set podcast joins us to talk about minute 115 of Marvel’s The Avengers: from Fury watching the news to Tony praising Hawkeye.