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To Be Or Not To Be Evil! Paradise Lost, Book 4 • The Devil's Details • Episode 121

To Be Or Not To Be Evil! Paradise Lost, Book 4

On this episode of The Devil’s Details:

  • We catch Satan Monologuing.
  • To Be Or Not To Be Evil
  • Satan to Beelzebub: “I wish I could quit you!”
  • There are TWO trees?!?!?
  • He squatted LIKE a toad, or AS a toad?
  • Like Eden, this episode if full of “mazy errors.”
  • Is the patriarchy Miltonic…or Satanic?
  • “He’s behind you! Satan’s behind you!”
  • Satan is an ANIMORPH?!
  • God tips the scales and Satan runs away.

…and more!

What started as an exploration of the devil in their show, The Exorcist Minute, has grown into something much greater. Find all the original episodes of the show and more right here in The Devil’s Details with Lester Ryan Clark and Kynan Dias.
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