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Minute 37 – What An Excellent Day For Hospitals!

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Just a great, joke-filled, light-hearted romp!
hopeless hospitals
TVYNS – The Acronym You’ve Never Heard!
Uncle Burke or Captain Howard? It’s complicated
Well, I guess I’m “Auntie” now…
We fall into SO MANY TRAPS! Will we ever escape?!
Dr. Klein nicks himself trying to use Occam’s Razor
The day my Catholic priest told me there was no hell
…and more!

Lester and Kynan attempt to examine, extrapolate and excavate each minute of the iconic film, “The Exorcist.” Join them as they cover the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute! New episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday!
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