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Minute 57 – What An Excellent Day For Pantopaque Encephalograms (With Polytome!)

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Dr. Taney and the Amazing Technicolor Glasses!
Kynan admits that he’s wrong about Hook…but not about Hoggle.
 …but which one of us is the deuteragonist?
Clean, upstanding Muppets with jobs
The Yellow Wallpaper is the trap!
Remember, your teeth are just bones that you get dirty!
There’s a whole lotta lookin’ goin’ on…
Pixar’s POLY!
Don’t Go Ask Alice – she doesn’t live here anymore
…and she never did because she’s not real!
…and more!

Lester and Kynan attempt to examine, extrapolate and excavate each minute of the iconic film, “The Exorcist.” Join them as they cover the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute! New episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday!
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