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Minute 61 – What An Excellent Day For Spider Walking!

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
🎵Spider walk, spider walk, does whatever a contortionist can…🎵
You mean Burke fell down the famous Exorcist Stairs?!
He died doing what he loved – shitting himself while going down the “up” escalator.
What’s YOUR preferred way to go?
Un-dead, more like ALL-dead!
“Burke’s dead. Well…see ya later.” 
TWO minutes in one!? We talk about the alternate  cut of the spider walk!

Alternate Spider Walk Scene:

Lester and Kynan attempt to examine, extrapolate and excavate each minute of the iconic film, “The Exorcist.” Join them as they cover the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute! New episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday!
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