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Minute 72 – What An Excellent Day For Stairs!

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
What the hell is in that bucket?!
I was the drummer for East Coast Filth
Stephen King’s reality-jumping cowboy
Kynan tells a story…and I was there!
Oops! All stairs!
Bedtime with Karl
Chris gets a cross…but across from where???
Chris has trouble with object permanence
We fall into the Greek Tragedy Trap!
Oedipus II: This time, it’s complex…
The debut of Bad Cat Daddy!
…and more!

Lester and Kynan attempt to examine, extrapolate and excavate each minute of the iconic film, “The Exorcist.” Join them as they cover the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute! New episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday!
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