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The Exorcist Minute • minute 103

Minute 103 – What An Excellent Day For The Rosary!

On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:

  • It’s a Hail Mary pass by Merrin!
  • The Seventh Seal: This chess-terical comedy will have you pawn-dering life and the human condition!
  • What’s YOUR stage name?
  • A reading from the Book of Blatty
  • Judy Garland: Now with xylitol!
  • Nobody crosses the Chuck Norris Bridge!
  • Don’t name the ticks!
  • Father Merrin tells a grandpa joke!

…and more!

Music: “Hopeful” by Cold Cinema

Lester and Kynan attempt to examine, extrapolate and excavate each minute of the iconic film, “The Exorcist.” Join them as they cover the scariest movie of all time, minute by terrifying minute! New episodes every Tuesday and Wednesday!
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