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Daisey, Fiction, and other things related to Social Media

Mike Daisey made headlines for telling tales, and may just have deflated the importance of the whole issue as major media lampoons him. Marketers have a new tool from the GOOG that will help organize and quantify social analytics, but don’t worry: Facebook and Twitter won’t play with it. One Tiny Hand shows you everything you’ve ever wanted to see: your favorite celebrities if they only had one… tiny… hand. Fine words for Google, as the ship turns and it’s revealed that blush it’s an advertising company. And The Walking Dead season two is over, Michonne is here, and prison is on the horizon.

The Naked Marketers was a podcast dedicated to tools, technology, and creative work in the field of marketing and advertising. The show ran on the TruStory FM podcast network from 2010 to 2012 with hosts Pete Wright, Dane Christensen, and Megan Strand.
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