On Love and Marriage and Food

Facebook ads are awesome! Facebook ads suck! Zambia needs marketing help — cries out to planet Earth. Absinthe is back, with a hinky LA accent. Home grown ads on Youtube.


Starbucks rebrands and goes big. Lexus hangs it all out there. Behind the scenes of ads are better than the ads themselves. Branding should have a backbone.

Hanging with the Smart Kids

Facebook is worth $2 billion clams, and is a hit for grandma, but students are chilling? MS adds ad-blocking to IE. And Samsung wants to wrap your goodies in tweets.

I love you, by Cheerios

Soaps bring products to daytime, Colbert nails it. Tron is everywhere, producers get it. Google Goggles advertising. Jeff Goodby bleeds all over us awesomely. @God on Twitter has forsaken football. This week on the show, Pete Wright and Dane Christensen talk products, placements, tie-ins and Tron, and somehow manage to do it without Megan.

I can run faster than you

Facebook is coming at us with gift cards. Ralph Lauren preps epic light show. Ask.com cans search. Cause is up. Mobile ad performance in Youtube is up. Skateboarders are apparently very, very down.