Q & A: Sara Ecker on Working with Students who Stutter
Sara Ecker joins Kelly Bawden for a Q & A session on her talk, “5 strategies and resources for school age students who stutter.”
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
Sara Ecker joins Kelly Bawden for a Q & A session on her talk, “5 strategies and resources for school age students who stutter.”
Are you nervous about doing therapy with a child who stutters? Do you wish you had a few more basics to your stuttering arsenal of therapy ideas? Join Sara Ecker as she gives her top 5 strategies and resources for school age students who stutter. In this podcast, she will discuss the importance of speech sound awareness on the speech machine, how to use a speech hierarchy, how to reduce avoidance behaviors, resources for targeting feelings and attitudes and what the stutter says about the speech machine with a prescription for different kinds of stuttering moments.
People often talk about the great movie year of 1999, and one of the great films that came out that year is ‘The Matrix,’ the film that made bullet-time a filmmaking standard and stunt wire work almost an expectation in action films. But it’s a great film because of its script, written by Lana née Larry and Lilly née Andy Wachowski, who went on to co-direct it as well. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we delve into our next Listener’s Choice movie selection with ‘The Matrix.’