You've Found a Date!

June 19, 2015

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Next Reel Film Podcast


James Wong Howe shot color films very well, but it was his black-and-white cinematography that he was really known for. He won two Oscars for his B&W cinematography and played with many techniques that influenced filmmakers and cinematographers long after he was gone. The camera work on John Frankenheimer’s 1966 film “Seconds” is no exception. It fits the tone of the film perfectly, creating a sense of unease and discomfort quite often. Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we finish our B&W cinematography of James Wong Howe with Frankenheimer’s “Seconds.”

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