More Than a Quack: The Story Behind Aflac’s Big Heart
Aflac’s Catherine Hernandez-Blades shares how the “Four Es” guides Aflac in evolving its CSR commitments – including creating a very special duck for children with cancer
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
Aflac’s Catherine Hernandez-Blades shares how the “Four Es” guides Aflac in evolving its CSR commitments – including creating a very special duck for children with cancer
Optimism is about more than just parading around happily all the time. It’s a worldview that has direct and powerful connections to your social group, your productivity, and your very own health!
in which Andy, Pete, and our guest Kathy Campbell from The Robot and the Unicorn talk about F22 Raptors and their weaponry, water drops on the lens, and the possible Iron Man 2 easter egg
Carol Mullaney and Brent Ruben join Howard for a conversation on change, provocation, and the evolving macro conversation that comes as we continue to learn to lead change in higher education.
Tony, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Thor, and the rest are up to show us how it goes down in Endgame. So Steve, JJ, and Pete are here to cry about it.