How Qualcomm Harnesses The Power of Technology For Global Good
Qualcomm’s Angela Baker joins Alli and Megan to talk all things 5G technology and how they’re powering good around the globe.
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Qualcomm’s Angela Baker joins Alli and Megan to talk all things 5G technology and how they’re powering good around the globe.
The trial of Tony Stark continues with his case for keeping the Iron Man suit as his own. And then we get perhaps the most entertaining character in the entire film: Justin Hammer portrayed by Sam Rockwell. And we’re all lucky because he wasn’t meant to be in this movie at all. Author Ryan Dalton is back to chime in on some dialogue dissection. And that dialogue is rich with daddy issues.
Does Scott’s film work as a feminist statement or does the ending turn it anti-feminist? How great are Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis in their parts? And how did they ever get cast after Michelle Pfeiffer and Jodie Foster had originally been in the roles? This is a special member bonus episode, so make sure you’re a member of the show, then tune in and enjoy it!