The Mandys in White and White
A divisive book, Taylor Swift is the best, and an excursion into the Netflix show, “Colin in Black and White.”
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
A divisive book, Taylor Swift is the best, and an excursion into the Netflix show, “Colin in Black and White.”
Kyle Olson leads the charge for Ocean Murff and Pete Wright through the epic announcements from Marvel on their Disney+ slate, movie code names, and a list of movies with games that have complex rules!
Houston Kraft joins Carrie for a discussion on kindness, the vitamin concept, and the difference between “nice” and “kind” as they reflect on his book, “Deep Kindness.”
In this minute of Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film ‘Thor,’ Jane, Darcy and Erik realize what this particular empty bed means then debate the smarts to go after this mysterious – and potentially dangerous – stranger. Then they back into him. Meanwhile, it’s redneck heaven at Mjølnir’s impact crater as one after one, they try to pull it free.