Minute 06 – What An Excellent Day For Skeletons!
On this episode:EVERYONE’S possessed!Is Father Merrin without sin?Blacsmiths blacksmithering!The Godfather…again!Zoroastrianism!A reading from the Book of Blatty…and more!
We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.
On this episode:EVERYONE’S possessed!Is Father Merrin without sin?Blacsmiths blacksmithering!The Godfather…again!Zoroastrianism!A reading from the Book of Blatty…and more!
CMN Hospitals’ VPs Julie Breckenkamp and Staci Cross share their lessons learned and top tips for building corporate partnerships.
It’s the podcast where a filmmaker and a comedian rewatch the 80s movies we think we love or might have missed to find out if they are, indeed, so VERY…
This is Heathers, a movie selection from 1989.
James Ochoa is back! This time he brings his latest work on using breathing to interrupt damaging patterns and resetting our internal emotional weather stations.
Back in the day, salary discussions were very hush-hush in the office. Now it seems as if we’ve done a total 180. With TikTok videos trending of people openly sharing their job and salary to pay, transparency laws are popping up all across the country. But what exactly is pay transparency? We’re here to break it all down for you.
We invited Nick Fontova, Chief Marketing Officer of the Metaverse Team at Landmark Ventures – known as MrPinkNFT – for a crash course in what NFTs are, how they can be used for good, and why you should get involved now.
In this minute of Joe Johnston’s 2011 film ‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ Steve doesn’t get the response from the troops that he was looking for. He really gets nothing. The troops heckle him until he finally leaves the stage as the dancing USO girls return. Sad Steve doodles in the rain.
Reneé Rodriguez, custody coach and founder of Best Foot Forward, joins Seth and Pete to talk about the challenges in custody battles, specifically how to navigate contentious custody situations during your divorce.