
You've Found a Date!

June 20, 2024

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Adrian Moment

Stepping into the Cage: Dissecting “Warrior” and UFC

In this episode of “The Adrian Moment,” hosts Ocean and Jim dive into the world of UFC and the 2011 MMA film “Warrior,” analyzing the movie’s portrayal of the sport and sharing their own experiences as fans. Join them for a discussion on the evolution of UFC, the authenticity of the film’s fight scenes, and the impact of “Warrior” on the perception of mixed martial arts.

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Mission Forward

Bridging Divides with Brian Fox and Bridget Pooley

This week, Carrie Fox sits down with Mission Partners’ Chief Operating Officer Bridget Pooley and Chief Strategy Officer Brian Fox to explore how connections can be strengthened in the workplace and beyond. Recorded in front of a live audience, they discuss practical strategies for bridging divides and leading by example.

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Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Organizing Principles that Support ADHD

This week on the show we dive into the key principles for getting and staying organized when you have ADHD, following up on our conversation last week about decluttering spaces.

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The Next Reel • Season 13 • Series: 2023 DGA Awards Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Theatrical Feature Film Nominees • Everything Everywhere All at Once
The Next Reel Film Podcast

Everything Everywhere All at Once

We wrap up our 2023-2024 season looking at awards nominees over the last century with the final entry in our 2022 DGA Best Director series looking at the Daniels’ Everything Everywhere All at Once.

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