
You've Found a Date!

June 24, 2024

We don’t know what kind of internet user you are, but if you’ve found this page, you’re the kind we like to see. Not many people like to peruse by date so we hope you get every bite out of your results.

The Podcast Podcast

Balancing Act: Ads, Audience, and Authenticity in Podcasting

In this episode, we explore the evolution of podcast advertising, sharing our personal journey from affiliate marketing to dynamic ad insertion, and discussing recent industry insights on what makes effective podcast ads. We reveal our plans to implement more engaging, storytelling-style advertisements across our network, and offer practical advice for fellow podcasters on balancing monetization with listener satisfaction.

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Make Me A Nerd

The Enduring Legacy of Star Wars with Kyle Olson

This week, Kyle Olson attempts to convert host Mandy to the ways of the Force with a special viewing of the original 1977 Star Wars. Join them as they discuss childhood nostalgia, the mainstreaming of geek culture, and the enduring legacy of this sci-fi classic.

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The Devil's Details

Welcome To The Devil’s Details!

What image springs to mind when I say “The Devil?” Join us as we dig up, decipher, dissect and deconstruct the Devil’s many forms throughout history, art, literature and pop-culture!

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