Project Problem 8: Project Managers are Passive
In this episode’s conclusion to “The 8 Biggest Problems” podcast, Cadence president John Patton brings you problem number eight in the series: Project Managers are Passive.
In this episode’s conclusion to “The 8 Biggest Problems” podcast, Cadence president John Patton brings you problem number eight in the series: Project Managers are Passive.
Ask Cadence is a series dedicated to bringing solutions to your toughest project management problems. Using real-world project challenges from project managers in our global project management training seminars, our team offers guidance on how to tackle such issues as Scope, Schedule, Responsibility, Organizational Project Management, Agile Project Management and so much more.
A common problem that we regularly see with clients in a broad spectrum of industries is that many people simply don’t have the ability to plan their section of the work required for the project to be successful.
We see this all over the world and it is one of the most common problems clients talk about: our projects start slowly.
The planning phase is the stage that comes into play immediately after authorization and initiation, and it is critical to the success of your project.
People are not working on the project and their management doesn’t know it