Project Problem 8: Project Managers are Passive
In this episode’s conclusion to “The 8 Biggest Problems” podcast, Cadence president John Patton brings you problem number eight in the series: Project Managers are Passive.
In this episode’s conclusion to “The 8 Biggest Problems” podcast, Cadence president John Patton brings you problem number eight in the series: Project Managers are Passive.
Ask Cadence is a series dedicated to bringing solutions to your toughest project management problems. Using real-world project challenges from project managers in our global project management training seminars, our team offers guidance on how to tackle such issues as Scope, Schedule, Responsibility, Organizational Project Management, Agile Project Management and so much more.
Cadence founder John Patton brings us this series based on his speech, “The 8 Biggest Problems with Project Planning and Execution … and Solutions for Each.”
As projects near completion, it can sometimes be difficult to finalize and deliver them due to issues that can drag on or situations that arise. Getting over that last hump, to deliver the finished project can be the most difficult phase.
It happens. The team is working hard and they’re trying to keep up. Everyone’s putting in the extra effort. Yet you’re running into a number of problems. In the middle part of the project, you can start to lose momentum. The team can start to lose some of
In the early stages of a project, a number of issues can crop up that can shift the project manager’s focus away from getting the project kicked off and on its way to eventual delivery. It’s an important time, as a successful start sets the stage for a su