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How Kellogg and The Global FoodBanking Network Are Feeding School Children Around the Globe

Roughly 300 million children have been without school meals and are at risk of hunger since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

And even before COVID, an estimated 73 million vulnerable children were not being reached with food at school. We know that number has risen in recent months. and will continue to rise without urgent action by government, the private sector, and civil society.

In this episode of Cause Talk Radio, Megan speaks with Stephanie Slingerland, Kellogg Company Senior Director of Philanthropy and Social Impact and Lisa Moon, President and CEO, The Global FoodBanking Network about the state of childhood hunger around the globe and their collaborative efforts to pivot their critical school feeding programs during the global pandemic.

Links & Notes

  • (00:00) – Welcome to Cause Talk Radio
  • (00:55) – Introducing Kellog Company and The Global Food Banking Network
  • (04:30) – Childhood Hunger
  • (06:22) – What has COVID done to food insecurity?
  • (10:41) – Pivoting Delivery Models
  • (11:47) – Why are school-based programs more cost effective?
  • (13:59) – A philosophy on alliances
  • (18:13) – How should governments be involved?

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