Director Archive

Martin Brest

Discover the remarkable film directors featured on TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts. Learn about their creative journeys and lasting contributions to cinema through each of these archive episodes.

the Most Excellent 80s Movies Podcast

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

Its the podcast where a filmmaker, a comedian and their podcastin’ filmmaker guests put a banana in the tailpipe of the 80s movies we think we love or might have missed. This week, Beverly Hills Cop!

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Beverly Hills Cop

Eddie Murphy proved his big screen comedy prowess with Dan Aykroyd in Trading Places but the studio was still concerned about him helming a movie by himself. Luckily, Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer believed in him and ended up convincing Paramount that he could do it, bringing him on board Beverly Hills Cop after Sylvester Stallone stepped out. And the rest is cinematic history – the movie broke records left and right and firmly established Murphy as a full-fledged movie star. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our Eddie Murphy series with Martin Brest’s 1984 film Beverly Hills Cop.

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The Next Reel Film Podcast

Midnight Run

Infrequent filmmaker Martin Brest may have directed the box office bombs Gigli and Meet Joe Black, but he also directed the huge critical and commercial successes Beverly Hills Cop and Scent of a Woman. Somewhere in the middle of these films, he made a fantastic action-comedy about a bounty hunter taking a criminal across country to collect his reward. That’s right, we’re talking about Midnight Run, a part of our Couples on the Run series.

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