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Why CMN Hospitals Said To Corporate Partners, “Kids Can’t Wait”

In this episode of Cause Talk Radio, Megan chats with CMN Hospitals’ Clark Sweat and Maureen Carlson, both long-term veterans of the corporate partner space. Clark, Maureen and Megan discuss how they pivoted their corporate partners during the pandemic and retained fully 100% of those partners (and how they achieved this), their efforts to diversify their partner fundraising efforts moving forward and what they’re both optimistic about looking ahead.

We discuss their “Kids Can’t Wait” messaging they developed specifically during the pandemic and dive into some of the more nuanced communications challenges they faced when the pandemic first hit.

You’ll truly enjoy this deep dive with Clark and Maureen – tune in now!

Links & Notes

  • (00:00) – Welcome to Cause Talk Radio

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Join Alli Murphy as she interviews top corporate leaders, nonprofit pros, and people who help them advance their careers and organizations. You’ll be inspired by the strategies change-makers follow to build win-win partnerships and campaigns and their actionable advice for advancing your career and developing your social impact team. Subscribe now to learn from the best and get ideas you can implement today!

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