Get Out
This month, in a departure from the heady intensity of the Oscars line-up, our Gang of Thugs takes on a thriller written and directed by a comedy all-star: Get Out from writer/director Jordan Peele.
For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release decade. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.
This month, in a departure from the heady intensity of the Oscars line-up, our Gang of Thugs takes on a thriller written and directed by a comedy all-star: Get Out from writer/director Jordan Peele.
In a world where being a couple is a legal requirement, one man dares to be alone. This Valentine’s Day, grab a loved one and learn why Colin Farrell is The Lobster.
The Danish Girl certainly took a long time getting to the big screen. The script went through dozens of iterations after David Ebershoff’s book was first was optioned. The cast changed numerous times. Directors passed it back and forth. Finally, after fifteen years of floating around, Tom Hooper’s film was released. And while the lead performances were brilliant, the film itself felt a bit flat. And weirdly, this seems to be something we say far too often about films that take a long time to get to the silver screen. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we wrap up our Transgender series with Hooper’s 2015 film The Danish Girl.
DON’T LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE OF THE FILM BOARD until you see Split! Here at The Next Reel, we always mention how WE SPOIL MOVIES and this month we’ve taken on twistmaster M. Night Shyamalan’s newest film with a conversation that is completely impossible without SPOILING this movie for you.
Last year doesn’t totally count as long ago nor far away, but the Disney franchise treatment this month goes all the way back into a sub-mid-prequel sort of thing with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
It’s back to 2014 again for JJ and Steve as they dig into The Two Faces of January, Andy’s pick from February 2014. Adapted from the novel by Patricia Highsmith, this thriller set in the early 60’s looks and sounds like a classic Hitchcock film.
The Film Board gathers! The Marvel Cinematic Universe has returned so we’ve brought together a merry band of thugs to spoil the next episode of the massive comic book soap opera for you- easter eggs and all. Origin story anyone?
The Film Board is all out of Breath! Our faithful thugs have all been sprinting from house to car to theater to car to microphone to gather, AND SPOIL, FOR YOU – the new Tom Cruise production of Jack Reacher – Never Go Back.
Mining book series for films is an all to frequent occurrence. Some are able to successfully make the transition from page to screen, while others struggle. The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz would seem an ideal source to tap for a film adaptation.
Antoine Fuqua has talked about how much a fan he is of both westerns and of Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 film Seven Samurai. Knowing that, it’s frustrating to see that his retelling of Kurosawa’s film transplanted to the old west doesn’t stand as strong as Kurosawa’s film or even as strong as John Sturges’ own 1960 version, the original The Magnificent Seven. Still, it has a great cast playing some colorful characters and while largely forgettable is still enjoyable enough. Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we conclude our Seven Samurai Family series with Fuqua’s 2016 remake The Magnificent Seven.