The Film Board gathers to take on this weekend’s new release, “42”. This Jackie Robinson biopic comes with some misgivings, not the least of which comes in writer-director Brian Helgeland’s script.
For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release decade. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.
The Film Board gathers to take on this weekend’s new release, “42”. This Jackie Robinson biopic comes with some misgivings, not the least of which comes in writer-director Brian Helgeland’s script.
The Film Board gathers to take on Disney’s latest trip to the Emerald Kingdom. This week on the show, Steve Sarmento and Tom Metz join Andy and Pete to pull apart Oz The Great and Powerful, and pull it apart they do.
It’s spring training season again, and we’re back to discuss more baseball movies! In 2011, Bennett Miller directed Moneyball, a fascinating film — one of our favorites — that details the 2002 season of the Oakland A’s, and particularly how General Manager Billy Beane decided to use a new statistical approach nicknamed moneyball to buy players, bucking all tradition within the game. The film was a critical and commercial success, and received numerous awards and nominations including 6 Oscar nominations. This week, join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we begin this year’s baseball series with this amazing film.
The band is back together! And this month, the illustrious TNR Film Board gathers ranks to take on Steven Soderbergh’s “final” film, “Side Effects”.
Divisive before it even opened, Kathryn Bigelow’s film Zero Dark Thirty depicts, in a very procedural way, the steps it took to find Bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks.
The Hobbit had landed in HFR 3D glory! Join us for this special episode of the Film Board as we take on Peter Jackson’s latest contribution to Middle Earth.
Ryan Gosling plays such a mysterious, quiet character in Nicolas Winding Refn’s 2011 film, “Drive,” that he’s never even given a name — he’s simply credited as Driver. The film has shades of noir and of 80s crime films, creating a dreamy neon quality interrupted by horribly violent outbursts that wake you up. It’s a fascinating film that critics really took notice of when it was released.
The Film Board gathers to take on “Cloud Atlas”, the epic journey of a whole lot of Toms Hanks and Hallies Berry.
In spite of schedule complications, the Film Board goes on. This month, Pete and Andy talk Looper staring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis.
We always knew there were other operatives out there, and when the producers couldn’t get Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass to return to do another Jason Bourne movie, they did the right thing by bringing in the man who’s been with the series from the start—Tony Gilroy—to not only write but also direct this latest entry into the franchise, “The Bourne Legacy.”