The Hunt for Red October
We kick off our Jack Ryan series back where it all started, with John McTiernan’s 1990 film The Hunt for Red October, starring Alec Baldwin as Ryan and Sean Connery as the Russian submarine captain possibly defecting.
For all you proper film enthusiasts who would like to peruse the films of TruStory FM’s entertainment podcasts by release year. Get ready for a firehose of film history in these here stacks.
We kick off our Jack Ryan series back where it all started, with John McTiernan’s 1990 film The Hunt for Red October, starring Alec Baldwin as Ryan and Sean Connery as the Russian submarine captain possibly defecting.
Storyboard and concept artist Anson Jew joins us to talk about Philip Ridley’s 1990 film “The Reflecting Skin.” It’s a visually stunning, haunting film that’s been called Lynchian. That certainly fits! It’s a great film that gives us plenty to discuss. We also talk with Jew about his career and how he ended up where he did. Check it out then tune in!
We wrap up our Slumber Party Massacre series with a conversation about Sally Mattison’s 1990 film ‘Slumber Party Massacre III.’ Why is this one completely disconnected from the story following the first two? Or are we meant to find a connection simply because some names are the same? Where’s the feminist angle? And why is this one harder to track down? Tune in for a fun conversation about the end of this trilogy.
We return to the world of Gizmo and the Mogwai with our October 2022 member bonus episode discussing Joe Dante’s wacky 1990 movie, Gremlins 2: The New Batch. It’s a crazy sequel. Does that make it better or worse? Certainly a lot to discuss!
We wrap up our return to the Back to the Future trilogy with Robert Zemeckis’ finale from 1990: BACK TO THE FUTURE PART III. What do we think of the western direction they took? Does it hold up better than the second film? And why do all of their relatives look exactly the same? Tune in!
The Mandys take on a classic in the mother-daughter-drug-alcohol oeuvre: Postcards from the Edge.
It’s another hiatus episode! While we’re sorting out plans for our Captain America: The First Avenger season, we’re taking a beat to look at the 1990 attempt at a movie about Cap. It’s ‘Captain America’ starring Matt Salinger and directed by Albert Pyun.
It’s our March member bonus episode! We return to our ‘Couples on the Run’ series from 2013 with David Lynch’s 1990 Palm D’Or winner ‘Wild at Heart.’ Is it too much Lynch craziness or just enough? Are Nicolas Cage and Laura Dern too over the top? Do they even come near the craziness of Diane Ladd? We dig in and may not agree but have a great conversation about it so tune in!
We continue exploring the films of John Heard with our current series. In this episode, we look at the second of two films he did directed by Penny Marshall. He’s a supporting character and delivers well opposite Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. It’s the 1990 film ‘Awakenings’ based on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ 1973 book. Tune in!
What a holiday treat! Andy & Pete have this special bonus episode to give to you, our dear members, as a holiday bonus episode, on top of our December member bonus! What givers! So tune in to this episode about Adrian Lyne’s 1990 psychological horror film ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ and enjoy! And happy holidays from all of us.